Midknight Review deals with a criticism from the hard right.

Back in March of 2010, 7 months before the midterm elections, I posted this depiction of a gunsite. I took the picture from a gun/rifle website and used the depiction to make the point that the sites on Sarah Palin's map were actually closer in appearance to surveyor sites than gun site. I was the first on the web with this published opinion - at least the conclusion was original with me and was not drawn from any other source. Turns out that since then, a number of folks have taken up the same position. Fine and good.

But, I recently found a brief criticism of my use of the symbol to my left. The author of the criticism assured me [today] that he did not have me or my blog in mind, the fact remains that the following applies to me, in a general sense, "If you think this is the cross hairs of a gun sight you don't know much about firearms. Now, do a little research with your little brain and find out what the symbol really means."

Again, the depiction above is not my creation and was found on a gun owner website. Here (to the immediate left ) is a second version. Note the similarities.

I expect the Left Wing to act like the baseless, morally defunct crowd they are, and I am seldom disappointed. But, I expect the Right Wing crowd to, at least, disagree using a little respect. If we are going to defeat the Marxist push to One World governance (and "yes," Alicia, that is exactly what is happening), then we are all going to have to stand on common ground. This time is the last time for the American Tradition and the freedom found in a federalist and democratic republic. If we cannot win this battle, now, we will continue the fight as a minority and the war will have been lost.

Normally, you would not find a defense of this nature on Midknight Review. The problem is the wedsite responsible for the criticism is a pathway to this blog among others. Folks come from that blog to this. Consequently, I cannot let the criticism go.

Now you know the rest of the story. I have rewritten this post in the hopes that the readership sees the other side of the story. I am in good company in the use of the top symbol as a gun site and that is the end of the matter, for me.

'nough said.

1 comment:

  1. I think I came over from the site you did not name. You make a good point. That is what will defeat us - making individual issues more important than the getting rid of the Red Menace.

