The current crop of Marxists put into context as we remember their hippified beginnings.

Anyone recognize these hyppies?

This AP story [below] says it all as far as I am concerned:

Tucson victim arrested for threatTUCSON, Ariz. — In an unexpected twist to the Arizona shootings, a man wounded in the attack was arrested and taken for a psychiatric exam after an outburst at a town hall meeting, during which he took a picture of a tea party leader and yelled “you're dead,” authorities say. . . . .

I am not going to take much space to say what needs to be said and what I have to say is, admittedly, a biased opinion.

With all the disgusting Leftist talk of the "violence on the Right," it is the Left that will drive us to a civil war, if such is in the future.

Anyone remember a few years ago, under Bush 43, a time when the partisan Left believed that Row vs Wade was about to be reversed? I do.

I was startled with the Left's reaction, because, for the first time, I had undeniable evidence that the Left had no intentions of obeying any law that threatened to take this country back to the traditional values of the past. Take the abortion issue pictured just above. The Leftists of that day made it clear that should Row vs. Wade be reversed, they would immediately challenge the law in court and on the streets. Lets not forget that this bunch of Marxists, folks I grew up with, got their way by violating the law in mass. I call them "Marxists" because that is what they were in college . . . . . and proud of it. They have not changed ; we have only forgotten.

Frank Zappa, Fillmore East, NYC, 1968
What do you think Woodstock was all about? It was the largest free love pot party of all time. The Pimply Faced Ones knew that the cops could not arrest tens of thousands of druggies. It was in the papers. The strategy was all over the news broadcasts of the day. And it worked.

And they have never left off that strategy. If you are going to beat them back --- a butt kicking that is 40 years over due --- you have to be relentless and ready to let them make fools of themselves. Understand this: the strategy of Woodstock will not work with the Independent votes of today. This crowd of Leftist losers are belligerent to the core, full of hate for the Establishment unless, of course, they are the Establishment. They never held a reverence for tradition or the order of law. That is how they grew up. And this is how they rule.

Look, where do you think the strategy for "sanctuary cities" came from? Woodstock. That's right. The Marxists of the Left know full well that if they disobey the law in mass, they will be rewarded, hence the very illegal "sanctuary city" strategy.

John Lennon, Paul McCartney in 1968. The rebellion they helped to foster was never defeated. Now's the time.

We have watched as they strapped themselves to trees and ruined the lives of millions of people who depended on the lumber industry. And we have more trees, today, than we had a hundred years ago !!!

We stood by as they screamed "F you" in their appeal to "freedom of speech," only to see them come into power, passing laws against offensive speech and free political expression.

Even on the abortion issue, they defend the practice by pretending to be concerned with the health of the mother when, in fact, they kill 1.3 million babies a year just for the hell of it.

They never grew up which means, they didn't get any smarter. If we do not give up, they will be beaten back.

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