Anyone know what this is? An article from the very liberal Daily Kos, back in 2008, putting an actual bullseye on Gabrielle Giffords.
This is what a gun target looks like.
Click on image to enlarge
Midknight Review was the first to make the case for Palin's symbols being survey targets, back on March 29 of 2010. See the story here, Crosshairs on a gun's sight or a surveyor's sight ...
We have gotten over 1570 hits on this story -- mostly from liberals going insane over our premise; all of whom ignore their own complicity in the "target" scandal they created out of the events in Arizona -- Daily Kos included.
And today on the House floor, the airhead we know as Nancy Pelosi actually spoke of the Arizona shootings as " a tragic accident [that] took lives, wounded people in the expression of ideas.” The implication being that the expression of ideas lead to this 'tragic accident.'
To liberals the world over we ask: so you think Pelosi is smarter than who????? Aren't you people just a little embarrassed by this woman, the top female in your party? GEEEEEEESh.
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