Midknight Review-Rasmussen 7 Day Presidential Approval Average/Obama UP by a point.

Over the course of the week of the midterms, the presidential approval average rose nearly a full point to 46.71. In our 7 day average is included a 50% approval rating on Monday, the day before the elections. Today, Thursday, three days after the elections, Obama's approval is at 44%. Understand that Midknight Review does not see much in the way of trending with the single day report. 7 day and even 30 day averages seem to be more informative.

The one point move in our current seven day average is fairly significant as compared to previous averages. Does it represent a trend? Of course. Is it a move back into the good graces of the general population. We do not know. We will say this: if the 30 day average gets into the 50 percentile bracket, the trending would be considered "significant" and Obama's presence would be quite formidable. His averages are running well below this watermark.

The American voter will be looking to both the ability of the GOP to actually get things done in ways that benefit the economy while taking a second look at Mr. Obama and his ability to compromise his agenda to an extent that advances real solutions.

Conclusion: we consider it a mistake to look to Obama's approval numbers to the exclusion of other considerations including the approval averages of politicians in both political parties and the reasons behind their evolving numbers.

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