Four facts you should remember as you vote:

A Leftist babe named Tina Brown, in a rather convoluted article recording her thoughts about Obama, had this to say:

Obama has, as he wanly insists, accomplished a lot in the last two years—ended torture, got us out of Iraq, extended health care, and prevented another Great Depression, all with absolutely no help and nothing but obstruction from the people who are about to collect the big political rewards.

These folks (on the Left) are the largest group of anti-intellectuals this nation has seen in many years. Brown's summary review of Obama's "achievements" is the perfect example.

We give our review of her summary :

ended torture: of course, she has in mind, especially, waterboarding. Understand that "harsh interrogation techniques" were ended by the Bush Administration back in 2004 making Brown's claim four years late. Further, Obama still uses rendition, the practice of handing over captives to those who use torture to extract information AND, "death by drone bombings," believing - apparently - that it is more humane to kill accused terrorists than to capture and interrogate them. Understand that only 3 terrorists were ever waterboarded and they are all alive and well, today.

got us out of Iraq: really? so what are those 50,000 troops doing in Iraq? This claim is simply moronic.

extended health care: we have no idea what this woman has in mind, here. For one thing, the health care plan does not kick into gear until 2014, FOUR YEARS FROM NOW. Before it does, millions will have lost their insurance because of pressure from Obama's bill, forcing employers to transfer their employees into government run insurance cartels. Our premiums continue to rise; fewer services are being offered (in Medicare ) ; and, the taxpayer continues to pay for as many in need of medical coverage as before the March 20th passage of the ObamaCare. Get this: before ObamaCare, we were paying for millions looking for "free" medical attention as they sat in ER waiting rooms; now, after ObamaCare, we are paying for millions moved into Medicare as they wait in ER and doctor offices for "free" medical attention.

prevented another Great Depression: Wow !! We are in the longest period of 9.5% unemployment (14 consecutive months) in this nation's history WITH NO END IN SIGHT. Foreclosures are at record highs and we mean to say, "in the history of this nation." More than 40% of this nation's population is currently "on food stamps" and 60% are on some level of entitled benefit - again, the highest numbers in American History. Our Real GDP for 2009 was in negative percentages; and, 2010 is averaging less than 2% for the three quarters already on the books.

with absolutely no help from [Republicans] : of the four considerations in Brown's article, this is the most ridiculous. Once again, let's not forget that for 12 months, Obama had all the [Democrat] votes he needed in both the House of Representatives and the Senate to pass ANYTHING HE WANTED TO PASS. There was no Republican opposition. They did not have the votes needed to stop a single thing during the first year of the Obama reign. Brown's claim is asinine bordering on "just plain stupid."

Read Brown's article here.

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