Obama announces two-year pay freeze for federal workers...
Editor's notes: before we all get too excited, let's take a breath. Federal freeze? Where did that idea come from? The GOP, of course. The new House majority has already expressed a desire to cut costs including putting a freeze on federal wages. So, of course, since Obama has no original ideas of his own (go ahead and prove us wrong).
This is all about getting the jump on the income class.
Understand that the "freeze" does not include promotion increases. "Cost of living" is what this encompasses. As a two year freeze, he can end it just before the 2012 presidential elections, energizing his slave base (the federal employee's union)just in time to garner their election support.
He has talked of a 5 year and 10 year savings as he made the announcement of this freeze when it is only good for two years.
You must know that when it is re-instated, the raise will be retroactive and will make up for the lost income of the present freeze -- in other words, it is more of the Obama smoke and mirror strategy.
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