The Ammerican people have spoken: Record victory totals in the Senate and the House for the GOP. Is Obama listening ?? We really don't know.

Midknight Projects a divided Senate of 51 Dems, 47 Republicans and 2 Independents. The Republicans realize a pick-up of a record setting 6 Senate seats.

In the House, we agree with MSNBC: GOP with a healthy 242, Dems with 193. Understand that for the first time in decades, the House has a Democrat minority that is under 200 strong. The GOP has apparently recorded a record setting turn-around of 64 seats.

The gubernatorial races have given GOP states' power a total of 32 out of 50 states.

While the above totals may be effected somewhat over the next several days, this is essentially how the Tuesday election breaks down.

In the end, the nation levied a huge repudiation of the Obama agenda. Independents went with the Republicans by a total of 55% compared to a 2008 total of only 39% and the youth vote fell off from 18% to 8%.

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