Anyone recognize the picture? It is Glenn Beck's 800,000 attendee Honoring America crowd. Why is it posted next to the "One Nation " banner? Because their 87,000 doesn't look so good versus the Beck crowd so they are using the Beck scene as if it were their own. Picture is found h

The picture to the left is the actual crowd photo for the union sponsored "One Nation" rally. No wonder they stole the Beck crowd and used it to talk about their own rally.
Look, "One Nation" had 87,000 folks there according to a satellite company's estimate. Beck had 500,000 to 600,000 and Midknight Review believes the crowd was closer to 800,000 PLUS the 400,000 watching on computer live feed and C-SPAN.
Well over 40,000 in attendance at the One Nation rally were bused in on their union buses.
By the way - the One Nation photo came from the Huffington Post, for all you nay-sayers, out there.
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