Finally, the truth. Job based insurance is on its way out. So too your doctor and all that you liked about your insurance.

WASHINGTON (Oct. 24) -- The new health care law wasn't supposed to undercut employer plans that have provided most people in the U.S. with coverage for generations. But last week a leading manufacturer told workers their costs will jump partly because of the law. Also, a Democratic governor laid out a scheme for employers to get out of health care by shifting workers into taxpayer-subsidized insurance markets that open in 2014.

While it's too early to proclaim the demise of job-based coverage, corporate number crunchers are looking at options that could lead to major changes. Gov. Phil Bredesen, D-Tenn., said the economics of dropping coverage are "about to become very attractive to many employers, both public and private."

That's just not going to happen, White House officials say. . . . READ THE FULL AOL ARTICLE >>>>

Editor's notes: of course this is going to happen. It is exactly what we conservative observers have been telling folks from the beginning of the health care "debate." The full article spells out the larger complexity of the problem while leaving out many important points.

Understand that news items such as this are released often and over a long period of time in an effort to "conditioning" the voter against "over reacting" when the truth finally does come out.

If you are under 45 years of age, you need to observe and remember this developing scam because the Marxists will come to power again, maybe 20 or 30 years from now, but they will be back. The whole agenda is built on lies and deceit. Never forget, with these Marxist Misfits, the end always justify the means to that end. In other words, the Left always justifies the ends.

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