Middle Class Slams Brakes on Spending...
Food Stamp Recipients at Record 41.8 Million Americans...
Editor's notes: we have posted this headline group to make this point: without a jobs strategy that is created "on purpose," the Obama Administration is fighting a battle that it simply cannot win.
Understand that income [read: taxes] is lost when folks are not working and reporting income. Understand that income [read: sales and revenue taxes] is lost when the Middle Class decides to save up for the proverbial "rainy day." Understand that income levels are depleted when entitlements increase, entitlements such as unemployment benefits and food stamps.
At the center of all this failure is the vacuum we know as "jobs." As long as Obama thinks he has accomplished the will of the people in the rhetorical idiocy of "jobs saved," he will continue to invite an increase in the problems he is now facing. Understand, Obama ran on a platform of solutions. Turns out, he, himself, didn't have anything specific in mind and we are where we are.
What is especially worrisome is the apparent fact that this Administration has no one who knows what to do. In the Stimulus bill, only 3% of that allocation went to "infrastructure and contracts." Why ? Each job created in that bill has cost the American taxpayer $300,000 per job - some say $800,000. At Obama's "recovery.gov" the Administration sets the number of jobs actually created because of the Stimulus at approximately 800,000 or 20,000 per month. Since passage of the Stimulus, the unemployment rate has risen to 9.57% on average and has remained their for more than a year.
When he had a chance at heading off the current disaster, he chose to do other things. He has given virtually no attention to increasing jobs.
Charlie Gibson (ABC News) once ask Obama why he was campaigning on raising the dividend tax when it was a proven fact that incomes diminish with this sort of legislation. A liberal newscaster confronting a fellow liberal. Obama's answer? "I want to be fair."
As long as Obama is more concerned with being fair, we are all so screwed.
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