The world gives capitalism the bony finger but what is the alternative? Castronomics? Chavezonomics? Commonomics?

This piece of "art" is on display in a plaza in Milan, Italy.

We posted it as an opening volley from this blog as concerns those who oppose "capitalism," dare we say, "hates" capitalism.

Much of the world and all of the Democrat leadership despises this thing we call "capitalism," yet, most use capitalistic principles to gain wealth. As time permits, we intend to develop a theme that discusses the reasons for the displeasure with the only free avenue available for giving the common man the opportunity to "get ahead" in a world of financial regulations and stiff competition.

Virtually all of our Congressional Marxist, anti-capitalist, leadership are millionaires, themselves. Obama, who is openingly opposed to the profit incentive that creates jobs, raked in 5.5 million dollars just last year, alone.

Our questions include these: if not capitalism, what? Have alternative systems proven viable as economic processes in other political environments? They say that "top down" does not work; how is it that "bottom up" solves the problems caused by "trickle down" economics? Outside of greed, what are the problematic issues related to capitalism? As capitalism's evil twin, in what society has Keynesian economics worked and why ?

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