The Story
Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, pictured left (Arabic: أحمد خلفان الغيلاني, ʼAḥmad Khalifān al-Ghaīlānī) was a member of the al-Qaeda terrorist organization. He was indicted in the United States as a participant in the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings. In 2004, he was captured and detained by Pakistani forces in a joint operation with the United States. During that time, he was waterboarded in an effort to save American lives. He was sent to GITMO in 2006 and in June of 2009, by order of the Obama administration, Ghailani was transported from Guantanamo Bay to New York City to stand trial in the United States District Court for the Southern District. He is currently being held in the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan.
The Rest of the Story
A Federal appeals judge, just minutes ago, past a ruling which may set Ghailani free. The concern of the civil judge is for information gained from Ghailani through battlefield interrogation methods including waterboarding. If this young terrorist, a one-time driver for Osama bin Laden, is freed because of interrogation concerns, an action that would not take place if prosecuted in military court at GITMO, concern for a KSM civilian trial rises to critical mass. Obama has stubbornly and stupidly pushed for civilian trials for several high valued terrorist including the Muslim murderer we know as KSM, the master-mind for the 9/11 mass murder of more than 4,000 Americans (2,900 officially dead with 1400 additional victims missing ). KSM was one of three terrorist waterboarded in GITMO. Most of the information we had about Muslim terrorism, back in 2005, came from KSM using this interrogation method. Bush ended the practice in 2005, but concern for a KSM conviction in a civilian court remains. Obama banned the practice with great fanfare and after the fact.
We believe that some of the resulting confusion may play itself out before the 2012 presidential election. Understand that Obama has interfered with prosecutions in a number of Muslim cases; the Fort Hood murder of 13 soldiers has not begun, in part, because of poor prosecution management on the part of the Administration. This case is nearly one year old. The man was caught in the act, shot and wounded. 32 soldiers survived. All identify Col Hussan as the shooter. He admits the killings. This is a conviction that could be had in traffic court. Yet, it remains a torturous prosecution. No reasons from Obama for the delay; there is the Black Muslim voter intimidation conviction that Obama ordered reversed at the sentencing level -- again, no reasons for this bit of injustice; the KSM trial, referenced in this post, made headlines last year when Obama and Company decided to move this Muslim killer from GITMO to New York in preparation for a civilian trial in that city. The decision was met with a fury of opposition from all sides and, now, the prosecution is clouded in stoned silence.
As implied in the above, we cannot imagine that "Fort Hood" and "KSM" will not be over or, at least, well under way by time of the next presidential election. If not, these will definitely figure in the campaign to rid this nation of Barack Obama.
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