Obama again shows his disdain for the Constitutional form of governance he has jokingly sworn to protect.

This morning, Elizabeth Warren, who authored the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), was formally appointed by President Obama to oversee its establishment. The CFPB was created by law in July 2010 when President Obama signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform (FinReg) and Consumer Protection Act. Her job is capsulized in the statement of purpose for this bureau: to "implement and, where applicable, enforce federal consumer financial law consistently for the purpose of ensuring that all consumers have access to markets for consumer financial products and services and that markets for consumer financial products and services are fair, transparent and competitive." Warren, who is being appointed to the bureau chairmanship as an Obama staff member (another czar) rather than as a legitimate department head, vetted and approved by Congressional review, will have all the subpoena power of the presidency at her disposal being that she functions in this position as staff. She is protected by "executive privilege" and cannot be questioned by . . . . . . anyone. Her official title is "assistant to the President."

She will supervise hundreds of employees and a half billion dollar annual budget.

Warren believes that Wall Street has taken advantage of the "common man" for 30/40 years. She is an anti-profit babe steeped in the thinking of redistributive politics, Marxist/Socialist to the core. You know there is something seriously wrong, here, when labor unions and consumer advocacy groups enthusiastically support her appointment - not to mention that her appointment is an end run around the United States Congress.

Obama tries to sneak in another lie about the Bush days.

Two considerations:
In announcing her appointment, Obama stated and restated the notion that the middle class lost income for the period 2000 to 2008 to the tune of 5%. He decided to offer up this percentage without off-setting this supposed loss of income with markedly higher benefit packages and increased healthcare benefits during this same period of time.

If Obama has created or saved 4 million jobs with an unemployment rate of 9.6 % , we can argue that Bush created or saved somewhere around 25 million jobs --- using the same "accounting features" of the Obama Administration. Understand that the unemployment numbers for Bush averaged 5.2% THROUGHOUT HIS EIGHT YEARS. More than that, the "underemployed numbers" averaged less than 11% while Obama's "underemployed numbers" range between 21% and 17%.

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