The 25 worst Americans or is it the four worst Americans ??

23) Saul Alinsky (7)
23) Bill Clinton (7)
23) Hillary Clinton (7)
19) Michael Moore (7)
19) George Soros (8)
19) Alger Hiss (8)
19) Al Sharpton (8)
13) Al Gore (9)
13) Noam Chomsky (9)
13) Richard Nixon (9)
13) Jane Fonda (9)
13) Harry Reid (9)
13) Nancy Pelosi (9)
11) John Wilkes Booth (10)
11) Margaret Sanger (10)
9) Aldrich Ames (11)
9) Timothy McVeigh (11)
7) Ted Kennedy (14)
7) Lyndon Johnson (14)
5) Benedict Arnold (17)
5) Woodrow Wilson (17)
4) The Rosenbergs (19)
3) Franklin Delano Roosevelt (21)

We asked the question in our headline. Find the answer here.

Our list would be quite different. (note: we have updated this post. It was very poorly written and we apologize for that fact. Busy weekend . . yes. Too busy to have done a good job? No.)

To begin with, Ted Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Bill and Hillary Clinton, FDR, Jane Fonda and Michael Moore would not be on the list. Of these just named, Moore is the most despicable, perhaps the most obtuse but of little impact. Give this donut eater 40 years and no one will have ever heard of the man. Harry Reid would not be on our list, as well. He is a worm of a leader and we simply give him little credit for much of anything, intellectually speaking. If it were not for a 60 vote Senate super majority for 2009, this man would not have gotten anything done.
Noam Chomsky, an extremely liberal professor at MIT (?), also, would not be on our list. In the end, his influence is limited to his little corner of the world. Take him out of the American historical equation and he would not be missed.
On our list, at the top, would be Karl Marx. While he is obviously NOT an American, currently, his writings have no greater appeal than here in the United States of America and he has "been here" for a hundred years. Most of the Black Congressional Caucus are Marxist of the Castro/Chavez type as is Barack and Michelle Obama. That he has "representation" in the halls of Congress is most disturbing.

Second on our list would be Barack Obama. He is not only perfectly at ease with Marxist teaching, he is committed to the overthrow of traditional Constitutional tradition and is in a position to severely damage the Conservative and Constitutional experiment that has been the Untied States of America for the past 230 years. More than this, he is an aggressive anti-Christian in terms of his manifest actions, something quite different from his manifest rhetoric. For example, a Christian would have never forced the covering of symbols for "Jesus" before a speech, as did Obama at the University of Georgetown. We can think of only one "Christian" who approves and he is a non-consequential blogger out of New York who is, himself, a non-practicing Catholic post-op type "fellow" with no college background to speak of and little political understanding . . . . just a radicalized liberal with no moral compass, ala Barack Obama. For this editor's taste, we have no patience for those who would be militant in their opposition to Christianity. Obama is in this camp. He is uninformed as to Christian dogma, biased in his Black Liberation thinking and and more than dangerous in his faithless ignorance.

We resent the notion that he pretends to be the Nation's Pastor.

Number three on the list? In terms of impact and getting things done, we would have to name George Soros. He is an angry old Marxist fart with tons of money earned [ironically] in free-market trading (betting against the dollar) . Literally, Soros spends millions each year on advancing Marxism and has been doing so since the advent of the Clintons. He has done our nation great harm.

Number four? Woodrow Wilson. He was our 28rd President (March 4, 1913 to March 3, 1921). Before that, he served as Governor of West Virginia and before that, he served 8 years as President of Princeton University. In one sense, he could not have been a more qualified political presence -- too bad that lead to the most pronounced Big Government President of the 20th century -- more so, in our opinion, than FDR. Our opinion is very much the opposite of the folks at Wikipedia who bill him as one of the most successful and meaningful Presidents of all time. If we were to grade Wilson exclusively in terms of informed political "innovation," he would be number two on our list, just behind Marx. He was truly a brilliant man. Understand that we do not consider Wilson as "evil." He is at or near the top of our list because he was a socialist and a brilliant one at that. The grandest "backroom" deal of all time was done during his presidency. You know this as the "Fed." Additionally, he came up with the "League of Nations," the forerunner to the United Nations. He was "beat out" by an evil George Soros , and a dangerously incompetent Marxist ideologue, Barack Obama.

Perhaps a summary statement would be well timed at this point:

Karl Marx is "#1" because he is the overriding philosophical stimulus of the day (on the Left).

Obama is #2 because of the damage he is doing to the America construct at several levels. He has superintended the return of radical racism, divided as never before. His health care reform will collapse under its own financial weight. His willingness to disregard the "will of the people" and move to circumvent Congressional review puts him in a class by himself . . . . as close to a dictator as this country has ever seen.

#3 on our list is George Soros and he is there because, without his money and his communist oriented bias, we simply would not have an Obama, today. He is the egg and Obama is the chicken (or goose or turkey -- whatever).

#4 Woodrow Wilson. He moved this country into socialism and an internationalism that is with us today, but did so without the division and angst we see under the current regime. He finishes high on our list because of his effectiveness as a socialist administrator.

And, with that, we have to give it a rest for the day. We are still on "sabbatical" must get on with the business of the weekend. We will be adding to this list, however. -- jds

Post script: the only two remaining names on the original listing we would hold over onto our list are Richard Nixion and Saul Alinsky. Everyone on our list break with traditional American history and the Founding Fathers. Everyone on our list has left or is leaving a legacy that transcends the present time historical setting. Everyone on our list does or will effect our National Politic in an adverse in a lasting way. Not everyone on our list will be considered "grossly immoral" in a political sense. Richard Nixon was one of those individuals and will be included precisely because of his willingness to use the "ending of Viet Nam" to get himself reelected. "Watergate" met absolutely nothing to this editor . . . a bunch of Republicans breaking into Democrat headquarters? What is more juvenile than that !!!? But it got Nixon out of office.

While our list will be different, we think the original list is great in that it got us all to thinking and that is a good thing.


  1. I have had more than enough of Harry Reid. He is the weakest of national "leaders" of my lifetime. You can handle a lot, even if you disagree, if the leader is principled, but Reid twists and turns and flails with every breeze. Get. Him. Out.

  2. There are only 23 on the list... and Benedict Arnold was a British Subject...

  3. Oh I also approve of your format site improvements. It no longer makes my eyes bleed as I read it.
