A Midknight Review of the Arizona effort to protect that state from the continuing illegal flow of "immigrants" across our Sourthern borders.

Headline --- Obama decides that he DOES have time for Jan Brewer, Governor of Arizona. it was announced on Monday of this week that Obama would not have time to meet with Governor Brewer on Thursday. This morning, he has changed his mind. There will be a meeting -- Thursday afternoon. Of course, his rather large ears are closed to anything Brewer might say as she asks Hussein, once again, for help. Three related considerations most people do not know are these:

1. The Federal law governing immigration has been on the books since the Reagan Administration (1986). Much of this law is mirrored in the Arizona law with amendments that make the Arizona law less repressive than the Federal Code. As an example, under the Federal law, suspects can be stopped for no reason and asked to produce papers. This is expressly forbidden under Arizona law. The fact is this: Obama is refusing to enforce established Federal law that has been in force for 26 years !!

2. What is not mentioned in the Minion Media is the fact that the revolt to the Arizona law is being driven by revolutionaries who believe in open border polices. There is evidence that Obama holds this same idealistic notion as evidenced with words such as these: "We are not defined by our borders . . . . . but by our bonds."

3. Obama's 1,200 National Guard troop "surge" being sent to the Southern border region will not be used to police the border and arrest illegals. Understand border services run on a 24 hour cycle which means that if the 1,200 troop "office help" is divided by the 4 border states and the 3 shifts of a 24 hour cycle, we are talking about 100 Federal officers per shift per state. Obama's offering of troops to the region is a pathetic sham for the reasons just discussed --- text by the editor, jds.

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