This morning, 10:15 am pst, Israeli Prime Minister Ben Netanyahu held a press conference defending the actions of this past week regarding their effort to police supplies coming into Gaza. He made these points:
1. There were six ships out of Muslim Turkey in the convoy.
2. Israeli troops had boarded 5 ships without a problem.
3. As they boarded the largest ship, the 6th in the convoy, they were attack by Hamas extremists bent on killing those who were trying to do nothing but inspect the ships cargo.
4. While Netanyahu offered regrets for the 9 dead, he reminded the press conference of the daily missile attacks from Gaza into Israel, killing or injuring hundreds if Jews each year. Two missiles were fired just yesterday. These missile attacks have been the case since 2006 and the rise of Hamas. Literally thousands of missiles have been fired into Israel over the past 4 years --- 1600 missiles each year.
5. Netanyahu spoke of an Iranian naval port being constructed "next door to Israel," and warned the world that those who were critics of Israel's actions would be next on the Iran's list.
6. He pointed to the fact that some 10 tons of food, medicine and clothing come into Gaza each week. He asserted that there is no shortage of these critical supplies.
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