Donny Shaw at Open Congress does a great job of keeping us all informed as to the workings of Congress. Here is our weekly post from this great site.

The picture in this post is one of folks standing in line waiting for jobless benefits. The reason why they are there, after 17 months of Obama, is more than obvious. Do they need help? Yes, of course, BUT the only thing that Obama has done since becoming the Leader of this Country is to give away money. He has no plan except to hope and pray the capitalist system he despises will begin to work. The problem with that is this: the host of restrictive and regressive laws passed by this Administration have put a cap on the private sector jobs market. How long will Obama and his neo-Marxist minions flounder before coming to their senses? Will we have to wait until 2012 ?? -- jds

Thanks to Donny Shaw May 28, 2010 in Open Congress

After cutting COBRA health care benefits for the unemployed and Medicaid funds for states with budget problems, the House has finally passed their economic recovery bill, the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010.

But they are a day late. The Senate adjourned this afternoon and won't be back to vote on the bill until Monday, June 7. The current unemployment benefits extension that was approved by Congress in April is set to expire on June 2. According to the Department of Labor, more than 300,000 unemployed people will exhaust their current tier of benefits and be left without a lifeline by the time the Senate gets back to take up the bill.

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