What Obama's minion media refuses to tell you about the current Israeli crisis.

Answer Coalition.org the pro-Islamic Jihad organization formed in 2001 in association with the Marxist Workers World Party, Party for Socialism and supported by the Muslim Student Association a front for the Hamas Supported Muslim Brotherhood which has ties to 9/11 mastermind Osama bin-Laden organized this protest outside the Israel Embassy today in Washington, after the Gaza Ship raid by Israel Commandos turned deadly.

Despicable—Children are easily manipulated and this little girl is carrying a Socialist sign to further the pro-Islamic Jihad, Marxist message outside the Israel Embassy today in Washington protesting Israel’s attack on a Gaza bound flotilla.

Did anyone tell these children that the so called “peace activists” transporting aid to Gaza, ignored orders by the Israel Navy to to turn back and then acted anything but peaceful, using knives, clubs and weapons to attack Israeli Commandos that attempted to board the vessel armed with non-lethal weapons. . . . . end of text.

Editor: we would add this; did anyone tell these children that the Israeli Navy had boraded and inspected 5 other ships that day, without incident and the video we have of them borading the 6th ship shows the violence being initiated by the Muslim activists on board - a brutal initial attack with the boarding Navy Seals being beaten with iron rods before they could get their footing ?

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