A protest of increasing proportions is under way; it is nation wide in scope and Constitutionally "aware" in terms of its polemic. As such, it is being treated with the seriousness it deserves - by friend and foe.
In general terms, it has to do with a qualified rejection of "big government," Currently, it is a two pronged attack. On the one hand, we have 19 states joining together in a law suit against the Federal Government's destruction of the 10th Amendment with its passage of the healthcare law. On the other hand, we have the Arizona immigration law and the reported fact that 8 other states are currently in the process of writing their versions of that law. While these legal protests appear to be very different in their particular concerns, there is but one overriding issue -- the Federal Government's thirst for more and more control. Nothing is more anecdotal to this issue than the immigration "debate" currently under way.
Cities such as San Francisco and Los Angeles are involved in a counter protest that includes the violation of contracts written with either the State of Arizona or legal entities within that state. Both cities are "sanctuary" cities, which is a fancy way of saying they consider themselves "above the law" when it comes to certain federal requirements and, now, contractual law.
In an interview on Friday, an LA city councilman decried the Arizona law and issued a statement of urgency. In words to this effect, the councilman had this to say, " We need to act now, against Arizona, before the Arizona protest law becomes a populace opinion." The reason for the harshness of the counter attack by the Hispanic "we respect no immigration law" revolutionary action community is their fear that the "obey the laws of our land" movement will become the popular and legally accepted opinion of the day. The sad fact of the matter is that radical Hispanic activists believe that the United States has no legal claim to the land bordering the United States / Mexican border. These revolutionaries have radicalized the ethnic educational programs of several of the border states and preach open rebellion to established federal and state law. This protest movement is actually being guided by Mexican revolutionaries bent on taking back "Mexican territories illegally" lost to the United States. They are out of control and NOW is the time for this facade to be exposed and brought back to earth.
In a recent LA Times article, we have this comment: "The Mexican government has raised its voice against Arizona’s tough new immigration bill. The controversial measure, awaiting Gov. Jan Brewer’s signature to become law, requires people to carry proof of legal status, and requires police to check for it." Of course, the bill has since been signed into law, but our point has to do with the intentional mischaracterization of the Arizona law. First, understand that immigrants HAVE BEEN REQUIRED TO CARRY PROPER IDENTIFICATION for 70 years or more by the Federal Government. It is nothing new. Secondly, while the Arizona law allows for a demand of identification, it does not require same, and such a demand can only be made when one is stopped for the violation of a crime OTHER THAN ANY IMMIGRATION LAW.
The protests are not about mistreatment of our immigrants because nothing in the Arizona law provides for said "mistreatment." Over the weekend, Midknight Review will develop this particular story.
Note: this story is developing -- jds
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