And the outcome? In view of the "predictive" fact that there will be no follow-up meetings, the outcome of this meeting has only one consequence: yesterday's meeting with Hussein O is of no consequence whatsoever. With his growing disdain for the press, Obama was not able to even garner a decent photo-op out of the circumstance. In fact, yesterday, Obama press spokesman, Robert Gibbs, took the press into the west wing of our White House and chided them from asking too many questions about BP.
One headline this morning read: White House Gibbs Privately Scolding Press for Asking Too Many BP Questions...
Politico has a reasonable report on Hussein O's meeting with the GOP. The full text of the report can be found here. We give you a few excerpts:
As to the climate of this meeting
President Barack Obama battled with Senate Republicans in a tense closed-door meeting Tuesday, facing tough criticism from his GOP adversaries — including John McCain — on issues ranging from health care to border security.
"Senators and other sources inside the meeting described the gathering as “testy” and “direct” — and Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) accused Obama of acting two-faced by asking for GOP support on regulatory reform only to push forward with a bill supported mainly by Democrats. Others felt that the meeting may have made already tense relations between the two parties even worse.
"The more he talked, the more he got upset," Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) said. “He needs to take a valium before he comes in and talks to Republicans and just calm down, and don’t take anything so seriously. If you disagree with someone, it doesn’t mean you’re attacking their motives — and he takes it that way and tends then to lecture and then gets upset.”
Obama's "join us or go to hell" mentality is subtly included in this part of the report
The climate of the meeting was no more intense than in the face-off between Hussein O and Senator Corker
"During the meeting, which lasted roughly an hour and 20 minutes, sources said Corker broached the issue of Wall Street reform, Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) spoke about the administration's response to the BP oil spill, Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) discussed health care reform and Sen. Li ndsey Graham (R-S.C.) spoke on a variety of issues.
In one of the most heated exchanges of the lunch, Corker accused Obama of acting “duplicitous” in his calls for bipartisanship, saying that he was trying to cut a deal on regulatory reform only to see the rug pulled out from underneath him. At one point, Corker said Obama was using lunch with Republicans as a “prop.”
"I told him I thought there was a degree of audacity in him even showing up today after what had happened with financial regulation," Corker told reporters after Republicans met with Obama."
In view of the fact that Hussein O has no plans for a continuing dialogue, Midknight Review has no clue as to the purpose of this meeting other than Obama's thirst for conflict. We do know that he cares nothing for the conservative point of view. He is our first radicalized president, a man who is willing to use the power of the "closed door" and the attraction of bribery to accomplish his agenda -- whatever that is.He is secretive with regard to his private life and evasive with regard to his academic life. His college and university transcripts are nowhere to be found. We have no "papers" authored by this "constitutional" expert - not one. In fact, we have recently discovered that he was not the "editor of the Harvard Law Review," only the President of the Harvard Law Review and Midknight Review has not been able to confirm that "fact." He came to us grossly unqualified, inexperienced and devoid of the ability to think creatively. His career as an ACORN community organizer works against his need to be bi-partisan or to even understand the political concept of inclusion - as all president is called to do.
He is a menace to our free society, as are some who support his antics --- jds.
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