Understand that if BP does not succeed with the "top kill" method of plugging off the leak scheduled for today or tomorrow, that broken well-head will spew oil until August or later. While Obama cannot be charged with the well's failure, he certainly is in charge of the National Guard and has the power to waive environmental regulations that stand in the way of keeping the oil from polluting the shoreline of the Gulf coast and the inlets to the vast coastline wetlands. He is doing nothing in this regard -- nothing. Heck, after 36 days, it was just this morning that the Feds approved of the "top kill" plan to plug off the well-head.
It is interesting to this editor that, with the passage of time, the leader we so desperately need is nowhere to be found -- only a wannabe intellectual whose very policies are bringing this country down.
His solution for the Gulf oil crisis? To shout out, as he boards an airplane on his way to a fundraiser, "Plug the damn hole. " He does not get it. This crisis is much bigger than the "damn hole." The coastline and the marsh lands are in danger of being permanently destroyed. If the "top kill" plan does not work, this will put Katrina in the shade and Obama will curse the day he laughed and lied about Bush in the Katrina event. In fact, it may be too late to reel back in the effects of this crisis and Obama will have to live with that reality.
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