Obama Rips Wall Street But Hosts High-Dollar Fundraiser in Manhattan
'The article mentioned that New York Representative, Carolyn Maloney, refused to raise the $25,000 Obama had wanted the several New York Democrat Reps to raise. "Refuse" is the significant word, here. That is FoxNews depiction of the Maloney's failure to come up with the money. What is not mentioned in this article is the fact that a number of Wall Street CEO's refused to attend the dinner. Midknight Review promises to follow this story. Who and how many executives will surely come to light.
Do not forget that towards the end of the 2009 year, a poll was taken by Bloomberg Financial that found a full 77% of Wall Street executives believe Obama to be "anti-business." In Obama's class-warfare strategy, Wall Street is one of several villains. And they responded last night, by NOT attending a fundraiser that could be described by some as an extortion event when it comes to asking Wall Street to donate to the man and his party that has the ability to cause great harm to those who are not favored by this tyrant.
In our update, we have these related stories:
From the New York Post:
Wall Street bigs snubbed President Obama last night at a big-bucks campaign fund-raiser at The St. Regis hotel in Midtown. The gala -- where tickets went for as much as $50,000 a couple and whose proceeds were going to Democratic candidates -- featured stars such as Sarah Jessica Parker and Democratic Party regulars but few, if any, executives from the city's leading financial institutions. That was no accident, according to Democrats on Capitol Hill and Wall Street sources who say those in the financial industry are tired of being the punching bag for Obama and Democrats crafting legislation to tightly regulate them.
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