Give some thought to Obama's strategy for re-election should one or both houses of Congress go to the GOP after the approaching midterms. Is is not obvious? The moment the GOP takes back some of the legislative power it lost over the course of the past three elections, Obama will underscore the theme, "the GOP is the party of 'no' " . At present, that is difficult to pull off since they have no control whatsoever.
It is deemed "most likely" that the House will fall back under the control of the GOP. If that control is but a few votes in the favor of the GOP, big problems for the Grand Old Party. BUT, if the election gives the GOP a super majority in the House, well, things are much different. With a super majority, the Dems will not be able to stop GOP legislation in the House. That legislation can be voted on and passed through to the Senate, forcing the Senate Dems to become the "party of no." And the campaign for the 2012 election will be set in stone.
If this editor was in charge of campaign strategy under the conditions described above, he would see to it that the GOP controlled House pass MORE meaningful legislation than did the Pelosi House and spend the 24 months between elections making the point that the Dems are the "party of no." Understand that during the Bush years, that is exactly what the Dems were -- the party of no. They cried about the unfairness of not being in control and extolled the virtues of a "two party system " -- hypocritical jerks that they are. When "they" lose power, the ONLY thing on the mind of a Socialist Democrat Party leader is the prevention of deconstruction by the conservative side of the aisle. We need to challenge the American people to make a choice in the 2012 election. If if if the GOP can deconstruct the worst elements of the 111th Socialist congress, focused on issues that the American people care most about, and campaign on "We tried to make the changes you wanted, but the Dems in the Senate prevented the will of the people," maybe, just maybe, the American People will vote in a Conservative Senate/Congress and fire the current Novice in our White House so that this country can get back to the business of American exceptionalism coupled with a compassionate but practical entitlement administration (since entitlements are already here). We would have daily press conferences extolling the conservative agenda/House accomplishments. We would be on every Sunday news program complaining about the "do nothing" Dems at the same time, making certain that serious opportunities for bipartisanship are pursued and affected especially in the House, demonstrating a fairness not in evidence when the Dems are in full control. THAT would be mentioned over and over and over again.
The back of this socialist bunch needs to be broken and NOW is the only time that may be possible. --- jds
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