John Deere Manufacturer in Iowa has just released its accounting report as to projected costs. What remains of this year will see costs for John Deere rise to 130 million dollars due to increased ObamaForcedCare.
Last week, Obama received the bad news from Catepillar and it sounded eerily similar to John Deere's news release -- Caterpillar will lose 100 million dollars due to health care costs for 2010
But this is not the big story. These increased costs, and they will progressively rise with the passing of each and every year, will result in a dramatic increases in cost to manufactured goods, making our country less competitive in the world's econmy.
What most do not understand is the critical need for increased imports and at the heart of this needed increase is Amercian manufacture. If it is several damaged in all this - there is no hope for bring country back to its role of leadership in the wide wide world of economic and industrial exceptionalism.
The bad news from the two manufacturers may be the low tide of an economic tsunami about to sweep this country as a result of Obama's stupidity. Loss of jobs, continuing and increasing trade imbalance, and loss of revenues due to heavy payroll taxation - these are part of the legacy for Obama.
Update: Medical device maker Medtronic warned that new taxes on its products could force it to lay off a thousand workers. Now Verizon joins the roll of businesses staring at adverse consequences.
News flash -- its all of them. Businesses across the board, will be laying off personel and workers. Smaller businesses will simply close their doors. This thing is going to be a monumental failure. Midknight Review believes the legacy for this President is one that will include laughter and the shaking of the head. Jimmy Carter was an Incompetent but he couldn't get anything done. This Clown in our White House is both stupid and effective -- a combination that spells disaster on a scale unknown in American history.
The silver lining ?? If things go as badly as they have begun, Liberalism may be dead for a 100 years -- seriously . . . . . . . . . very seriously -- jds.
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