Saturday, January 16, 2010
Bloomberg afraid of Obama's bank tax plan

Mayor Bloomberg said yesterday that President Obama's plan to slap a tax on banks is aimed squarely at the city's lifeblood and could turn Manhattan into a crumbling wreck like Detroit.
Bloomberg warned that the plan could bring about the collapse of the city's financial sector and starve New York of revenue it needs to provide basic services.
"And if you want to see what happens to a city when their major industry fails, just take a look at Detroit," which has been reeling from the collapse of the auto industry.
"I'm very concerned that we don't drive business overseas. London became a financial center when we increased regulation here," he said, adding, "I certainly hope our legislators in Washington will fight to protect our industry here."
But the early indications weren't clear.
Sen. Charles Schumer, an Obama supporter who typically champions Wall Street, is for the bank-tax proposal.
"While we await the details of the president's proposal, the original rescue legislation clearly required that financial institutions that benefited from [the bailout] would contribute additional funds until taxpayers were fully repaid. The point of that provision was to put taxpayers first, and I agree with that," Schumer (D-NY) said.
Kirsten Gillibrand, Schumer's New York Democratic colleague, said, "While the administration's approach is far better than some proposals, such as taxing financial transactions, our focus should be on making sure that bank ----------------------------------end of news story.
Editor's notes: Now, here is the update as of today. Mayor Bloomberg is saying that the taxes in this bill may very well bring the city to its knees. The 6.4 trillion (lots of very rich folk and corporate heads live in this city) is more than what is spent on housing, corporate rent, or residential food.
Understand that as an editor, we spend a great of our day listening to liberal and conservative talk, reading article after article in the various news outlets and tracking public opinion. After just three days, this bill could not have started off on a more wrong headed track. Its just glorious !!! -- jds of the "we told you so" coalition.
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