Obama has decided to resurrect health care the Marxist way, keep on spending and continue his take over of America.

Here is a troublesome headline and news clip taken from Roll Call.

Reid Warm to Bringing Back Public Option

By David M. Drucker
Roll Call Staff
Feb. 19, 2010, 5:52 p.m.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) signaled late Friday his intention to reintroduce the public insurance option as a part of comprehensive health care reform should Democrats use reconciliation rules to pass a final bill.


Editor's notes: Reid has signaled the use of reconciliation three times over the course of last year and nothing happened. Obama has indicated that he supports this decision.

Our question is this: what in the world is the February 25 health care summit all about? If Obama and Reid are prepared to cram health care through the Senate with a vote of 51 rather than the required 60, it means three things: 1) Obama and Reid do not care about the dissenting opinions of their own Party, 2) they most definitely have no concerns for public opinion and 3) they are not serious about a bipartisan compromise. The negotiations leading to their decision concerning reconciliation is in progress as we write. That decision will have been made before the 25th.

It is doubtful that the radical Democrat leadership has overcome the deep divisions within the Democrat Party despite the recent declarations to the contrary. In every case in the past, this claim for resolution has proven to be a lie. Although they are thinking of changing the rules, there is little reason to believe that health care will be resurrected. If it is, the campaign cry for the 2010 mid-terms will be the reform/repeal of this idiotic piece of legislation. Suffice it to say that Obama is NOT a president for all the people --- 63% do not want this particular health care bill (Rasmussen) and 52% (Gallup) do not believe that Obama deserves re-election.

Update: 2/20/10 Reid's latest estimate for a successful health care law passed in Congress? Within 60 days !! This latest revelation somewhat confirms our prediction of "It ain't going to happen." Look, the word is out that Obama is coming to the Summit with a wholly reconciled bill in mind. But it will not be one that has been agreed to by either house of Congress although press releases will indicate otherwise. Hocus pocus.

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