CAIR is concerned about "fair play" when it comes to "terrorist attacks." Midknight Review is unimpressed.

Siraj Wahhaj is pictured left - and we do mean left. Since few have any clue as to how to pronounce his name, Wahhaj floats around the American version of the Universe unnoticed . . . . . . except here at Midknight Review. We know him as an unindicted co-conspirator in a mid-1990's New York terror plot, and, most importantly, a member of the board of supervisors for CAIR. You should know that CAIR took time to officially deny the involvement of Osama bin Laden in the bombing of the Twin Towers, a denial that was offered after Osama had issued a declaration admitting responsibility for the attack. The FBI has broken of relations with this Muslim group.

Now, CAIR wants a broader version of "terrorist act" in the face of the suicide plane attack on the IRS building this past week.

“Whenever an individual or group attacks civilians in order to make a political statement, that is an act of terror,” said Nihad Awad, the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

“Terrorism is terrorism, regardless of the faith, race or ethnicity of the perpetrator or the victims,” said Awad, adding in a statement that “if a Muslim had carried out the IRS attack, it would have surely been labeled an act of terrorism.”

CAIR's motivations are both transparent and self-serving. It is as radical a Muslim group as exists within the borders of the United States. Interestingly enough, when Homeland Security issued its infamous terrorist warning of early 2009, CAIR was omitted. Attorney General Eric Holder was a recent featured speaker at one of its functions despite the FBI's decision to break off all contact with the organization in 2007.

As time goes by, you will hear more and more of this radical Muslim front organization. That the Obama Administration has decided to stand against the FBI's decision to refuse contact with CAIR is something Midknight Review will keep in mind. The message of the Administration regarding radicalized Islam continues to be a troublesome consideration. Its refusal to key on Muslim radicals within the military is an outgrowth of our concern. The Fort Hood Muslim attack was something the Administration was slow to admit. The revelations of the Fort Jackson incident, 5 Muslim members of our Armed Forces attempting to poison Base water supplies, remains an investigation without mention from the White House.

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