Democrats need election help so they turn to Obama. One wonders why?

Sens. seek Obama boost on campaign trail

Well, the guy is O for 3 in campaign successes since taking office and has sent his party into what some call a death spiral. While the media points to the good polling results for Obama, we remind the readership of Bill Clinton's good numbers while, at the same, failing in his efforts to successfully campaign for his Democrat associates. Let's not forget that Clinton won his two elections with 42% and 48% showings - never a majority.

We tend to forget that Mr. Obama spent a record busting $770 million to win an election against a very unpopular Republican candidate by just 6.5% of the vote. Obviously, some on the Left have forgotten.

What the Left does not know is the fact that somewhere between 5 and 7 million conservatives refused to vote in that last election. It is doubtful that this will be the case in either 2010 or 2012.

In a recent Gallup poll, the ratio of "conservative" over and against "liberal" apart from party identification was a near record high of 45% and 19% respectably. What many do not know is this: this ratio has never been closer than 35% to 21% . When one hears that we are a "center right country," that is not only true now, it really never has changed. Before you even think about objecting to our claim, keep in mind the campaign fact that all Democrats run to the "middle" (also known as "making a move to the right") during presidential election cycles - all including Obama. The "center right" reality is the reason why this is the case.

Obama was able to over come that circumstance in '08. It is doubtful that he will be able to fool anyone the second time around.

We leave you with a pro-Obama CNN poll that was not as "pro-Obama" as some had hoped. The headline on this one should read, "52% of those polled by CNN do not believe Obama should be re-elected !!"

An eye-opening result from the new CNN/Opinion Research survey:

6. Do you think Barack Obama deserves to be reelected, or not?

All Americans
Yes: 44%
No: 52%

Registered Voters
Yes: 44%
No: 52%


1 comment:

  1. Mr. Obama is the BEST thing that ever happened to the conservative movement and (hopefully) the Republican party. I believe it was Dick Morris that predicted that he would be the one to "inspire" the opposition. He definitely got that one right.
