He has been maligned and ridiculed from the Left and, sadly, from the Right as well. Articles written by the Marxist Media ran 6 to 1 against Bush 43 . . . . just the opposite for Clinton and, now, Mr. Obama. Yet, in the case of Obama, much of the political "structure" left behind by Bush 43 remains in place and is being used by Obama. We hope he runs out of time and/or political power before he can change even these things. We work for that end.
Obama Criticizes the Man but continues his policies.
Bush called off waterboarding and other excessive interrogation methods 5 years ago, but not before he had secured this country from attack and had gotten critical intelligence concerning the organization and goals of al-Qaeda. While Obama claims a ban on "harsh interrogation methods," he put a stop to nothing that had not been dealt with years before he took office.
Obama continues to use GITMO in spite of his rhetoric to the contrary. GITMO is the "single most useful tool for terrorist recruitment" according to Obama, as if killing terrorists via unmanned drones is not or the increase of nearly 60,000 troops in Afghanistan since he became Commander in Chief is somehow pleasing to the terrorists. Go figure.
Obama continues the AIDS assistance policies of Bush in Africa.
Obama continues "don't ask, don't tell." Contrary to popular belief, this was not a Bush policy but leaders such as Obama give that President the credit while continuing the policy.
Obama is using the emergency response system put into place by Bush following the mindless criticism of his Administration with regard to Katrina. It remains a fact that the most important lesson learned from Katrina is the fact that first responders to such tragedies must be city, county and state entities - not a federal response coming from thousands of miles away. It is simply stupid to suppose that it should be any other way.
Obama voted for all of Bush's spending bills while serving as a Freshman Senator -- all of it, yet claims that he "inherited " the current financial mess from Bush.
Last spring, Obama said, ". . . all government spending is stimulus." While that appears to be a rather silly statement, this editor cannot understand Obama's criticism of Bush's spending policies given that Obama thinks it to be "stimulus."
Throughout the past 6 years, Obama has blasted Bush for being a "cowboy" and continuing a war of attrition in Iraq, yet, when it comes to keeping his campaign promise to get out of Iraq by the end of his first year in office, his policy has evolved into one that continues the Bush efforts in Iraq. It is now freely acknowledged that "full withdrawal" means leaving behind of 50,000 or more troops for an indefinite period of time, part of the Bush Iraqi war policy.
Obama talks out of both sides of his mouth more frequently than an auctioneer and with less shame than a prostitute -- condemning Bush on every occasion while continuing his policies and, now, asking him for his expertise !!!
We mention all of this in the face of President Bush's decision to accept Obama's invitation to help with his (Obama's) plans in Haiti, a decision made by Bush without delay and without a negative comment in defense of himself. He is an honorable man who did a significant number of things that speak to his greatness.

writes ----
During the Henry Gates Officer Crowley racial controversy there was a telling picture of Crowley assisting a disabled Henry Gates as both walked a few paces behind the ever haughty and imperious Barack Obama. As Obama was strutting before the cameras championing racial equality, the Officer, who had been portrayed as a racist by Gates, relinquished pride and exhibited compassion for his accuser. If what Michelle Obama professes is the truth and "actions speak louder than words," the picture of Crowley compassionately aiding and guiding Gates down the Rose Garden steps said a mouthful. Officer Crowley's empathy, as compared to Barack Obama's self-obsessed concern, was evident with out a word. Yesterday, America witnessed a similar display of humbleness. George W. Bush, criticized, mocked, humiliated, blamed and dishonored by both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, put the needs of the Haitian people before personal feelings and pride. You may want to read the full article at American Thinker.
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