And then, off to Massachusetts. His intentions?? To walk into a state that voted for him by the tune of 26% and save a Senate seat that has been "Democrat" since 1972. How come no one in high places thinks he has not ALREADY been rejected by Massachusetts regardless of the outcome of Tuesday's election? Midknight Review thinks that is the bigger story.
Scott Brown, the moderate GOP candidate is "up" in some polls with two days left until the election. One of those polls must be the Democrat's internal poll -- that is why Obama has gone to the Kennedy State. He went to New Jersey and Virginia to save those elections also. Three days campaigning for the Democrat candidates. They lost anyway. He flew to Copenhagen and walked in at the last minute to save that conference. Didn't happen. In fact, it was there that his handshaking bud, Hugo Chavez, publicly ridiculed him. He went to Cairo and gave Hamas 900 million dollars - all last spring - but the Muslim Palestinians still hate the Jews and remain fully committed to their destruction. He wanted health care signed, sealed and delivered last July !! That didn't happen, raising questions as to how much influence he really has over members of his own party. And now, he is in Massachusetts giving a campaign speech he wrote back in 2008 . . . . same old same old.
If Joe Liebermann endorses Scott Brown tomorrow (that's the rumor), that could counter all that Mr. Obama is doing this weekend.
Can you imagine that this election is more important to Obama than personally dealing with the Haitian disaster? Midknight Review does understand his decision. But this sets into reality the man's priorities. What if Martha Coakley and Obama had gone to Haiti 3 days ago and pitched in to help ??!! It might have worked out better for Coakley than telling a local audience there were no more terrorists in Afghanistan - that the United States has accomplished all its goals in that country !!! Or Obama, 15 minutes ago, telling a campaign crowd, "I don't know his [Scott Brown] record . . . " and then preceding to make fun of the man's truck and his record.
The most recent polls (two of them) put Brown up by 4 and, again, by 15.7%. We have those polling results on the current "scroll down" here, on our Main Page. Obama, who doesn't know Brown's record, told the audience that Brown votes with the Republicans "96% " of the time. What he did not say is that this is a measure of agreement between Brown and the moderate GOP within the state of Massachusetts, not in comparison to the more conservative elements of the GOP. The fact is, Brown is in agreement with the people he hopes to represents. THEY do not like the health care bill as it is written. Neither does Brown. THEY do not agree with the terrorist trials in New York. Neither does Brown. THEY do not agree with the radical spending of the 111th Congress. Neither does Brown. If he wins, he will win because he is a moderate/conservative voice willing to stand on principle as he agrees with the people of Massachusetts. . .
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