We must give only their location while saying "thank you !!!"
You come to us from Monroe, Michigan; and from all over the State of Illinois: Manteno, Sullivan, Columbia, Oak Park, If we drop down to 25 visits, the list is quite long and includes visits from 48 different countries.
Just a little over half our daily traffic fails into the category of "repeat business." Since we have been writing our own news stories [for the most part] and featuring our particular brand of commentary, repeat traffic has doubled. Hack Wilson [that's the name of the blog - his moniker is "Screw Liberalism" -- we likie] and Watch the Nation [she's a lady with some great thoughts], both in our blog roll, feature unique commentary by their editors, as well. We are all doing our part to advance the conservative cause. Our collective effort is huge - more than Mr. Community Organizer can handle in fact
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