Think about it. When the Democrats are "up against it," getting their proverbials kicked up behind their eye-teeth, they nearly always try to change the rules of the game. Conservatives simply do not do this.
They [the Dems] want the Constitution to be a "living document." If you buy into that notion, they get to change the rules almost at will. They want to take away our guns, our free speech rights, the radio stations we listen to, the secret ballot, the patient/doctor relationship, the 15,000 year old definition of marriage, the free market system that has worked for us for more than 200 years . . . and now, Tom Harkin (D - Iowa) wants to change the rules of the Senate governing the filibuster. This has been a pet project of Harkin's for years. Now that Scott Brown has come to town and revived the possible use of the filibuster (it takes 60 votes to kill a filibuster - with Brown in town, the only have 59 assuming a straight party vote).
Harkin actually thinks this is a good time to make his move on this bill. Midknight Review believes just the opposite. There are enough Democrat Senators on the Hill who know they just might need the filibuster after November 2, 2010. Harkin will huff and puff, but the Scott Brown election did more than elect Scott Brown - it made it clear that the American people were sick and tired of this kind of crap. We predict that this will fail and fail profoundly so. Not to worry. And if it doesn't, it will be added motivation to vote these jerks out of office. There are reasonable Democrats you know. This bill is DOA, make no mistake. Maybe Harkin should spend more time sitting in the fields of Woodstock, humming "we will save the world" rather actually trying to think as a representative of the people. Some folks are not good at it, thinking, that is.
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