At around 5:40 am on December the 26th, Google shut down the original Midknight Review and locked it's editor from more than 2000 articles, his intellectual property, if will. The excuse? After more than a year of publication and a growth rate that was consistent, running 70 hits in March to nearly 3,000 in the last 30 day period in November-December, the determination was made by the Google Geeks that the blog was a spam blog.
What actually happened was this: around 2:00 am, this editor posted a very critical article about Obama's Christmas Eve takeover of Fannie and Freddie, giving him unfettered access to the funding of those organizations WITHOUT CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL for the remainder of his term as "President."
I called for Obama's removal from office by "any means legally available" -- three hours later, I was shut down and access to my previous work (2000 articles) eliminated. No process, no warning, no recourse.
If this happened to Midknight Review's site, it can happen to anyone on the "wrong" side of the political equation.
A) On may 22 of 2006, NewsBusters carried this story: Is Google Purging Conservative News Sites?
B) And there is this story: Is Google Purging Conservative News Sites?
"Something frighteningly ominous has been happening on the Internet lately: Google, without any ....."

Something frighteningly ominous has been happening on the Internet lately: Google, without any prior explanation or notice, has been terminating its News relationship with conservative e-zines and web journals.
At first blush, one can easily ignore such business decisions by the most powerful company on the Internet as being routine. However, on closer examination, such behavior could give one relatively small technological corporation (when measured by the size of its workforce) a degree of political might that frankly dwarfs its current financial prowess.
It’s Not So Easy Being A Conservative E-Zine
As reported by NewsBusters, the most recent occurrence of this unexplained phenomenon was Friday, May 19, when Frank Salvato, proprietor of The New Media Journal, realized that his content that day hadn't been disseminated at Google News as it had been on a daily basis since he reached an agreement with the search engine in September 2005.
After sending the Google Help Desk a query concerning the matter, Salvato was informed that there had been complaints of "hate speech" at his website, and as a result, The New Media Journal would no longer be part of Google News. As evidence of his offense, the Google Team supplied Salvato with links to three recent op-eds published by his contributing writers, all coincidentally about radical Islam and its relation to terrorism.
Unfortunately, this was not the first conservative e-zine to be terminated in such a fashion. On March 29, 2005, Rusty Shackleford, owner of The Jawa Report, received a similar e-mail message as Salvato informing him that: “Upon recent review, we've found that your site contains hate speech, and we will no longer be including it in Google News.” For those unfamiliar, The Jawa Report focuses a great deal of attention on terrorist issues and how they relate to radical Islam.
A year after Jawa was cut from Google News, Jim Sesi’s MichNews.com was banished on April 12. In Sesi’s case, the three pieces provided as examples of “hate speech” were articles by conservative writer J. Grant Swank, Jr., all about – you guessed it – radical Islam and terrorism. Sources: http://newsbusters.org/node/5477
C) And, again, we have this summary review of Google:
Google is a company whose primary business is Internet-based services, including an extremely popular search engine.
Google is associated with liberal causes and has been criticized for catering to communist China in censoring information from the people as requested by dictators:
- Reporters Without Borders joined others in asking how Google could stand up for US users' freedoms while controlling what Chinese users can search for. Its previous search engine for China's fast-growing market was subject to government blocks. The new site - Google.cn - censors itself to satisfy Beijing. While cooperating with China's govenment, Google refuses to fulfill requests by the U.S. Department of Justice. Google counsel Nicole Wong said "..we intend to resist their motion vigorously."
Much of Google's business depends on pornography. For example, 25% of search engine requests are for pornography.
In addition, although claiming to generally avoid getting involved in matters outside their field, Google officially supports the liberal and social libertarian cause of so-called "same sex marriage." On June 21, 2009, Google displayed a special multicolored line for searches on the word "gay". Google is also big promoter of Charles Darwin and atheistic science, even to the point of giving special recognition to the anniversary of Darwin's birthday ("Darwin Day").
D) Here is the email informing me of the closure of my site:
http://midknightreview.blogspot.com/ has been deleted | ||||||||||
| |||||||||
To: | knpraise@comcast.net |
Your blog at http://midknightreview.blogspot.com/ has been reviewed and confirmed as in violation of our Terms of Service for: SPAM. In accordance to these terms, we've removed the blog and the URL is no longer accessible.
For more information, please review the following resources:
Blogger Terms of Service: http://blogger.com/terms.g
Blogger Content Policy: http://blogger.com/content.g
-The Blogger Team
Updated notes as of 12/29/09 - 12:23 pm : Our blogging friend at the Steady Drip has this cautionary comment:
Monday, December 28, 2009
Midnight Review has changed URL - Google shut down my Midknight Review on Dec 26.
Google shut down my Midknight Review on Dec 26.
Read about it:Google purges Midknight Review from the Internet for bogus reasons.
My opinion [referring to the editor of Steady Drip - M.R. editor ] is that a renegade agent (Google employee) is responsible for this rather than it being the policy of Google.
-- end of Steady Drip text.Read about it:Google purges Midknight Review from the Internet for bogus reasons.
My opinion [referring to the editor of Steady Drip - M.R. editor ] is that a renegade agent (Google employee) is responsible for this rather than it being the policy of Google.
Indeed, whether this action was due to a rogue activist or the clandestine policy of Google, itself, time will tell. The fact that I am back on line and with the criticism within this post gives rise to the notion that "rogue" is more at fault than "policy." That there is no policy in place for review of such action or the retrieval of intellectual property [ 2000 articles are no longer available to the editor] is, in fact, a problematic Google policy. THAT certainly needs remedy - J Smithson, editor.
.purge, Google, violation of terms of service, spam, Fannie, Freddie, unlimted funding, Obamas term, rogue activists, clandestine policy,
You're starting to see that Google is part of the same team as the WH and this administration. Your blog isn't the first to be shut down by Google .. stop using Google!
ReplyDeleteLet's not isolate ourselves from the enemy. That is what they want. I intend to stay in their face and do what I can to defeat them - editor
ReplyDeleteBe sure to make backups this time, John! I found OFA of Chicago following me on Twitter this morning...blocked their butts too!
ReplyDeleteIt is all a part of this man's civilian army. I think he plans on being president for more than the two term period. jds