In the spirit of COVID, did you know that more than 40,000 Americans die annually due to auto accidents ? (updated for content)

I propose a ban on auto travel outside the city of residence.  Live in Denver,  work in Denver.  Live in Cottonwood, work in Cottonwood.  Live  in Phily, go to school (at all levels) in Phily.

No Freeway or highway travel.

This will require a mass migration involving workers to the immediate locale of their workplace and students to "area schools and colleges."

Understand that the saving of just one life (not to mention 600,000 lives) would make this economic change of direction critically important.

And think of the Progressive advancement toward a socialist state based on the demand, alone, of a faster growing population  (6 milllion in 10 years ).

And what if we banned water sports in an effort to save 320,000 lives World Wide?  I don't know how many folks die falling in the shower,  but a helmet requirement would solve that problem   . . .  and the saving of even one live would made that requirement reasonable.

30,000 folks die each year because of influenza.  Why not enforce the same social requirements as are in place with COVID ??  Of course we would have to fundamentally transform our economic production processes and eliminate all factory production that could not adapt to social distancing requirments.

In fact,  we could almost eliminate all domestically transmitted diseases if we enforced social distancing rules . . . . .  and wearing helmets in the shower would save lives.

My point?
Living life without risk is impossible. 


  1. Purveyor of absolute BS
    "In 2019, an estimated 38,800 people lost their lives to car crashes – a 2% decline from 2018 (39,404 deaths) and a 4% decline from 2017 (40,231 deaths)."

    Or about the number the coronavirus killed in just 20 days in April. And the death count is rising again. WTF is wrong with you?

    DUMBASS LIAR,2%25%20decrease%20over%202018%20figures.

  2. 640,000.... yea, that's about the number that have been killed in auto accidents in 20 years


    what a tool... must have voted for Trump

  3. Ooooops, got all the other numbers right but not the auto death numbers. Still, 38,000 gives us more than a quarter million deaths in 10 years. So, because 38,000 s not 600,000, that number does not count? The point of my post is exactly the same, so I'm still right. Beats being a stinking commie.

  4. I saw the mistake, as well, but mistakes do not make one a "moron.' I have been reading this blog for more than a decade. If I were to give it an "accuracy evaluation," it would be somewhere around 95 to 97 percentile. Keep up the good work.

    1. JDS writes himself a compliment. LOL

  5. The point of this post is to downplay the virus, now beginning to take off in the South where Trump's favorite governors opened too early. How's that working out? Death rate starting to rise again. So is Biden's lead:

    Quinnipiac University
    52% Biden +15
    37% Trump

    51% Biden +11
    40% Trump

    53% Biden +14

    Biden Crushing Trump
    America is Ridin' with Biden
    Both houses and the presidency.
    Thank you for your support of Trump
    couldn't have done it without him.
