The Border Wall is a remarkable tribute to the "never say die" attitude of Donald Trump

Pentagon Moving $3.8 Billion From Weapons Programs to Fund Southern Border Wall

The Border Wall is a remarkable tribute to the "never say die" attitudfe of Donald Trump.  Understand that the Left is determined to destroy Donald Trump, the man, his marriage,  his children and the very public that voted him into office. 

In fact, the "Border War" and "Impeachment"  have never been about either.   These are only vehicles the New York globalist/progressive crowd are using to secure  the total humiliation of Donal J Trump  . . . .  nothing less, nothing more. 

 What you may not know is this: The effort to destroy Trump has been the first and foremost orchestrated effort of the old time New York political class.  They have known Trump for decades.  He has been a chief donor to most of them including Hillary, Gerald Nadler and those in the NorEastern District Attorney's offices. But more than being a donor,  these New Yorkers (including Trump)  all "grew up" together.  They know each other inside out.  And that is exactly why they were talking about denying him the presidency since long before he ran for President. 

You should understand that Trump was a "known quantity" to the classless community living next door to him since his childhood days.  They know him complete with all his scandals and evolving political leanings.  And, he knows them, which buttons to push,  and how to navigate  around all the crap they have  thrown at him for decades.   He has been a master at imposing his will since forever. 

One thing for certain,  Trump has never been a globalist or a "Progressive" in the modern-day sense of that word.  Nor has he ever been a partisan.  And because of all this,  he came onto the political scene as an "enemy" to the Establishment (GOP  and Democrat).  

The DC political class in both parties never considered that Trump is the irresistible force that we all now know him to be  . . .    bigger than life,  agenda driven,  and unwilling to accept "no" as an answer to much of anything.  

Trump has always known his enemies.  He has always been fully aware of the power of the local media (aka The New York Times) and,  in these two realities,  he came to D.C.  as the perfect candidate to stop the overwhelming influence of those who have no respect for a foundational view of the US Constitution. 


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