McCabe exhonerated and Vindman promoted to a military college: The only justice in all this will come in November or there will be no justice at all.

Update:  The recent letter recommending that A.G. William Barr step down, signing by 1,100 Intel associates and analists (many of them Media related)  proves the point of this post and our claim of massive massive corruption within the Ingtel Community.  

Vindman, McCabe,  and the rest of the antiAmerican Progressive cabal  have their reward  -  a massive and demonstrable failure at every level from the secret courts (i.e. FISA) to the fact that these agencies have become extensions of the Progressive conspiracy to take this great nation into a borderless world of globalist concerns and alliances with those who have been considered our enemies by all Administrations prior to Barack Obama's.

Our conclusion?  Corruption exists at every level in our government, especially the FBI And CIA agencies.    Beginning with J Edgar Hoover, corruption within the FBI was so embedded within that institution from its beginnings  that the Director's position following Hoover was limited to a single 10 year term. 

The recent scandal to change election outcomes has torn the cover off the fantasy that our Intel agencies are more the moral institutions than other sectors of our society.  This evolving scandal,  an actual coup effort, proves the corruption of the FISA process, FBI leadership, CIA leadeership, and the blatant abuse of political and agency power demonstrated over the past three years. 

Take it to the bank,  leadership within our Intel agencies is no more moral than the politicians who order and condone authoritative abuses.  

Now you know.

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