Proof that the Russians were all over our election process during the Obama Years.

Editor:  You remember that the DNC and the Hillary Campaign refused to surrender their computer servers to the FBI  (and the Agency let them get away with it) three years ago?   Turns out,  there was a high probability that these private servers,  unprotected from foreign hacking, were probably infected by the Russians.  More than this,  The Russians were all over our election process during the Obama years , and,  sadly,  Barack was fully aware of the problem.  The complaints of Russian involvement regarding the 2016 elections,  were all,  I say ALL,  product of Russian involvement during the Obama Administration.  Now we are reminded of Russian collusion (?) with
Diane Feinstein's offices some five years ago,  again,  during the Obama years.  

KPIX:     New details emerged Wednesday about how a mole for the government of communist China managed to stay by Senator Dianne Feinstein’s side for nearly 20 years.
It happened five years ago, but additional information is just surfacing about how the Bay Area senator’s office was infiltrated by a Chinese spy.
The Bay Area is a hotbed for Russian and Chinese espionage. Late last year, the feds shut down the Russian consulate in San Francisco.
You may remember the thick black smoke that billowing from building before Russian diplomats turned it over to authorities, presumably produced by burning documents.
Now, all eyes are on Chinese intelligence in the Bay Area after the website Politico reported last week that a staffer for Senator Feinstein turned out to be a Chinese spy who reported back to the government officials about local politics.
On Wednesday, the San Francisco Chronicle uncovered  . . . . .  additional details in a column written by reporters Phil Matier and Andy Ross.
The column revealed that the Chinese spy was Feinstein’s driver who also served as a gofer in her Bay Area office and was a liaison to the Asian-American community.