“In the long history of this nation, religious freedom has been our
first freedom. But as our Founders knew, this precious liberty is
endowed not by government, but by our Creator. And we believe
that it belongs not just to the American people, but to all people so
endowed. The right to believe or not believe is the most fundamental of
freedoms . . . .
When religious liberty is denied or destroyed, we know that
other freedoms — freedom of speech, of press, assembly, and even
democratic institutions themselves — are imperiled.” ~ Mike Pence, VP of the United States.
Editor: Understand that our Founding Fathers made it clear that our liberty comes from the Creator, not from governments. And, as "Creator," "God" is for all men whether they worship God or not. Curiously, to decide not to believe is a religious right. But, to decide not to believe and prevent others from practicing their faith, is not a mark of freedom, but of repression and hate.