Look up the word "impunity" because there is no word in the English language that better fits the Clintons.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Federal Bureau of Investigation has lost about five months worth of text messages between two staffers who worked on probes into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's emails and possible collusion between Russia and President Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, according to a Republican lawmaker.
Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, who chairs the Senate Homeland Security Committee, revealed in a Jan. 20 letter that the FBI's technical system failed to preserve texts that were exchanged between Lisa Page, a lawyer, and Peter Strzok, an agent, between mid-December 2016 through mid-May of 2017


  1. Good news. Rick Gates has made a major shift in his legal representation which signals that he’s negotiating . . . . . .

    1. Good news. You have no evidence that CNN actually has open access to the Mueller files, yet that is the implication of all the BS you send my way.

      CNN knows no more than you. Almost all of your posts over the past year have proven to be meaningless.

      Here is the good news, for real. Trump is 24/7 taking this country back from the European Progressives who have infected the body politic . . . . scum that they are. Get rid of him and there is Pence. No problem . . . . so my side will see this country as a very different place three years from now.

      and the deep state is going down.
