Feinstein offers a poorly worded rationale for an obstruction of justice case. See what you think:

Read Feinstein's three or four reasons for believing that an obstruction of justice case is being put together.  Keep in mind,  that the Left Out Ones got their butts kicked when it comes to "collusion."  They are even talking about that nonsense anymore.  


"I think what we see is the putting together of a case of obstruction of justice.  I think we see this in the indictments,  the four indictments and pleas that have just taken place and some of the comments that are being made;  in the hyperphonetic attitude of the White House,  the comments everyday,  the continual tweets, and, I see it most importantly in the firing of Director Comey."

Think about this:  Trump has been "hyperphontic" since 1995,  for crying out loud.   

The four indictments:  Manafort is being charged with money laudering and outright fraud,  among other things.  He was fired and replaced by Trump with Kellyanne Conway,  and his problems have NOTHING TO DO with the stated purposes of the investigation.    Flynn,  on the other hand,  is being charged with lying to the FBI because they couldn't get him for collusion because collusion is not a crime.  I mean,  how good of a witness can the man be when he is begin prosecuted for "lying" by the very people who want to flip the man. 

The comments everyday:  Surely she is not talking about the Media's never ending chatter,  but what else could Feinstein have had in mind?

Most importantly,  the firing of Director Comey:  Seriously?  If Trump can fire Comey without cause,  you can't - logically - get him for obstruction.  Besides,  Trump never told Comey to stop the investigation on Flynn.  He simply as him to go easy on the guy because Flynn is a good man.  

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