When Trump says, "I believe Putin," he really is putting America first.

Understand this,  Trump does not care whether he wins the argument with Putin as to Russian meddling.  We know they did and the President does not care   . . . . . .   to win that argument.  Putin is the leader of Russia and we need Russian cooperation on a number  of fronts. 
I am saying that this Russian meddling thing is critically important to Americans and the future of our elections.  But,  to date,  there is no reason to believe that Russia was successful in influencing our elections,  or Hillary would be President now.  She is the one who tried to use Russian Intel to bring down Trump and we actually have evidence (read "proof") on that score.  That Trump did the same,  well,  we have no proof of this supposed event at all.  But,  again,  this is important to Americans and only to Americans.  
Putin is a world leader.  He lives outside our system.  He is no more or no less an enemy of the United States,  than is the President of China.  And this is the context for Trump when he says:  
"You are not going to get into an argument, you are going to start talking about Syria and the Ukraine.     I can't stand there and argue with him.    I'd rather have him get out of Syria, to be honest with you. I'd rather have him, you know, work with him on the Ukraine than standing and arguing."
Trump is trying to talk Putin into cooperating with regards to Syria and the Ukraine   . . . . . . .   obviously American concerns.  Trump is not pro-Putin.  Not at all.  It is not Trump who is being played.  It is Putin   . . . . . . .   maybe  . . . . . .  depends on how dumb the man is.  No,  Trump has not abandoned America,  he is only prioritizing what needs to be done versus the endless childishness of his Amerian opposition.  
Go get'em , Chief.  


  1. That could lead to Trump being charged with conspiracy against the United States.

    1. You forgot the part where he grows a third leg, divorces Malonia and starts dating Nancy Pelosi.

  2. "There's nothing ‘America First' about taking the word of a KGB colonel over that of the American intelligence community. Vladimir Putin does not have America's interests at heart."
    -- John McCain

    "If Trump thinks Putin is anything but a thugish killer, I will not vote for him."
    -- J.D. Smithson

    1. And I didn't vote for the man, but I have changed my mind since Inauguration.

      Tapper is on record as lying under oath and John Brennan is or was the most politically compromised Direction is CIA history. Both are flamin Progressives.

      As far as "taking the word of a KGB" agent, Trump is simply saying, lets stop with the "me a Russian agent crap" and move on. Tapper and especially Brennan are political yes-men.


  3. Flynn’s kidnapping and bribery scandal . . . . .

    1. My readership does not care about Flynn or Manafort. Articles relating to these two clowns score the lowest "share value" of any article(s) for the particular week's publication. Stop acting and writing like an old lady, or continue to embarrass yourself. Trump is here to stay and making America great again.

    2. collusion.


      Another fresh hell for Trump.

    3. Nothing wrong with Don Jr and Wikileaks. And while you are pretending, Trump is deadly serious about putting the nation back to work and establishing a conservative federal colurt system for the next 30-40 years.

  4. Yes , Trump is putting Putin first..

    1. Putin did not want us in Syria. Trump went anyway.
      Putin did not want increase U.S. sanctions, Trump signed onto the toughest Russian sanctions in our history.
      Putin does not want an increased U.S. military force. Trump is rebuilding our military, anyway.
      Putin did not want a revitalized U.S. nuclear arsenal. Trump is rebuilding that, as well.
      Putin's claim to national financial stability is oil. Trump is working overtime to increase oil exports as he decreases Putin's margins in that industry.

      If that is putting Putin first, I say, "Keep up the good work." Turns out Trump is doing something else that Barack could not accomplish. Poor dumb ass.
