The Governor of Alabama supports Roy Moore, but the GOP leadership is not going to allow him into the Senate. They already know he is guilty.
What a classless bunch of hypocrites. To date, we have nothing but the testimony of a bunch of self serving women, who have come forward after 35 stinking years. They offer no proof, were never treated for trauma, never filed charges, did nothing until his candidacy threatened the status quo.
The GOP claims to be the party of "law and order." Well, "due process" is a part of the Constitution and is being violated, in the case of Roy Moore.
If he is innocent, he should sue and go for the throat.
The never-trumpers will succeed in stopping the tax bill from passing and Trump will have lost this battle. What these morons do not know, is this: Come the next two election cycles, the GOP will self-destruct . . . . . . anyone heard of winning the battle only to lose the war.
If Moore is not given due process, and, the tax bill fails because of that, I will never vote again . . . . . me and millions of other like minded patriots.
You support Roy Moore, noted.
Hey moron, you can't read? I supported Strange, but he lost. I support "due process." That is not the same as me supporting Moore. There is a difference, Moron, between accepting an election result and supporting a particular candidate. Of course, you Democrats no longer believe in accepting the results of an election.