“The president has successfully gone about the business of hijacking the
issue,” Smith began noting that he’s turned a protest against police
brutality into a debate about patriotism.
“In the end what it really really comes down to is the president has
successfully hijacked this issue. He’s turned it into an issue about
patriotism and beyond, he’s catering to his base in the process and the
biggest thing he’s doing is he’s pulling it all off hiding behind these
issues when, in my opinion, his real agenda is going after an NFL
community that didn’t let him in that ‘good ole boys club" ~ Stephen Smith
Editor: I respect Stephen Smith, a sports icon and commentator. I respect him for standing up for his personal beliefs, but on this point, I am surprised at how far off based he is.
Kaepernick's rebellion, was and is a rebellion against the police-as-pigs (images on his socks) and in support of his belief that "America has never been great for people of color."
You cannot isolate these matters and statements and be patriotic at the same time. Raised Black fists are symbols of a rebellion against the values of this nation AND everyone knows this. AND, the black fist has become part of the NFL protest. Add to this, the fact that this rebellion is almost 100% a product of the Angry Black Man. Most NFL black athletes stand for the Anthem as well as the 60,000 to 85,000 people in the stands. 85,000 to 20 kneeling whiners is the very definition of "losing." Never mind that all of these NFL clowns hate the white man and blame him for their "misfortunes." . . . . . . . "All of the NFL premadonna multimillionaire clowns," I should say. More than all of the above, they are turning their backs on the flag or, at least, refusing to salute the flag as a sign of allegiance to our county.
Contrary to Smith's "hyjack" claims, the fact of the matter is this: You cannot refuse to salute the flag or dishonor our National Anthem without being seen as "anti-America" by the vast majority of folks. And you lose any debate that centers in these types of anti-American images.
Never forget: We are in a war for the future of our nation as defined by this debate - - - - namely, a war of Capitalism versus New Age Communism . . . . . period.
Post script: Stephen A Smith is not a communist, but he is ignorant of the political war as described. Follow the money and you will find the Communists within this nation.
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