Establishment Conservatism, for the most part, does not believe the Left has moved away from the limitations set by our Constitution and the form of governance described within that document. What they do not believe, is this: "Bipartisanship" is code for a capitulation of the Right to the Left. Nothing more, nothing less.
Chuckmuth, president of Citizen Outreach, wrote these words in the Daily Caller:
It’s now clear to even the most casual Republican voter that the enemies of President Donald Trump aren’t just the Democrats, the militant left and the fake news media. It’s also a number of moderate establishment Republican creatures of the DC Swamp.
And, discouraging as is this opposition, especially in the Senate, there is hope. It is in the hands of the Trump Train supporters. We have been building our base since the 2010 midterms (WE, not the Establishment GOP). We have been disciplined and decisive in winning the 2010 midterms, the historic 2014 midterms and the "blow your mind" 2016 presidential election. But we need more. We need a sweeping victory in 2018. Churckmuth writes:
You see, there are 23 Democrat senators – plus two “independents” who vote lockstep with the Democrats – who are up for re-election in 2018, and 8 Republicans. Only the GOP could possibly be incompetent enough not to significantly increase their majority under an electoral map like that.
The point of this post is rather straightforward: This is not the time to walk away. We have a man in office, a workaholic, who has sacrificed the peace of mind of his entire family, and, has lost more than a billion dollars serving as our voice in the WH.
We owed the guy !!!
I often talk of "walking away," forgetting that I would be walking away from the first voice I/we have had since Ron Reagan . . . . . . period. We/I must not do this. In fact, we must refrain from any talk threatening that outcome. We are either "all in" or not. Trump, with his myriad of issues, is our man for this time.
noun: capitulation; plural noun: capitulations
- the action of surrendering or ceasing to resist an opponent or demand.
"the victor sees it as a sign of capitulation"- historicalan agreement or set of conditions.