House Democrats whine about Trump "not standinbg against hate," but failed to stand for Israel while Obama was selling his treatise with Iran.
Your statements show a deep misunderstanding of history and a fundamental lack of moral compass'
18 Jewish House Democrats call on Trump to ‘stand up to hate’
Times of Israel: Lawmakers say president’s ‘both sides’ remarks after Charlottesville violence indicate a ‘fundamental lack of moral compass’
Editor: Black Lives Matters was there, in Charlottesville. At last count, they and their supporters have killed 10 cops, burned properties in 10 different American cities and have a traitorous population many times larger than the Southern White Idiot population. Turns out that Trump was more than correct, but the Leftouts want to blame only one side, while their buds continue to kill cops and burn cities.
18 “Jewish” Democrats justify the violence of the Leftist goons against legal marcher that normal people get sick with only mentioning their name: White supremacists. The leftist goons cam prepared to ramble instead of letting the marcher march into oblivion. Thanks to the left the media doesn’t stop talking about the disgusting march and you continue advertising for them. With Jews like those 18 “Jews” Am Israel doesn’t need enemies. They probably feel bad for the “Poor Palestinians” and their inventions of Islamic terror main tactics world wide.