FACEBOOK bans white supremacist. Here is the problem with that . . . .

FACEBOOK, iNSTAGRAM AND PAY PAL bans white nationalist's accounts over hate speech...

Editor's notes:  A couple of thoughts:  These people are not "nationalists."  You can't be considered a nationalist when you favor the notion that "the South shall rise again."  

Secondly,  when hateful speech is banned from private life  (and I am not saying that Facebook does not have a good point in its decision for the ban),  we,  the people,  have no idea as to who is saying what;  we, the people,  have no clue as to the rising tide of danger in our society.  

I hasten to add that speech that advocates violence to others,  should have no place in our society  . . . . .  and that includes BLM's violent speech practices, as well as all physical threats to our Presidents or elected officials.  There should be a "zero tolerance" policy for this kind of behavior.  


  1. . . . . . these trailer trash that he (tRUMP) 'cares' abOUT . . . . We beat them in 1865, and in 1945

    1. Such a lie. The GOP beat "them" in 1865. Understand that "them" were the Democrat rebel south that refused to surrender their plantations. In other words, the Civil War was started by the Democrat Party and defeated by the Yankee/GOP North. In 1945, "them" was all about a racist Democrat Party that ruled the South, wrote ALL of the Jim Crow anti-voting laws, invented the KKK and "staffed" the night riders of the 1920's as they terrorized South blacks. The history you so ignorantly refer to is not Democratic Party history. What an ignorant, cowardly, atheistic buffoon you are.

    2. 'them' are the racists. doesn't matter whether they were Nazis, confederates or Democrats, WE progressive forward thinking people BEAT them. You are with THEM.

    3. Can't handle a woman. Doesn't have a real job. And now, you can't handle the truth. Progressives beat no one in the Civil War. Democrats owned the slave trade, and refused to give it up without a war . . . . . kind of like what they are doing today. Can't handle losing an election so they decide to overthrow the existing government. The GOP has never been the racist party. The Dems wrote the book on racism and antisemitism. History is history. Realty is history. Oooops, I forgot, I am talking to a transsexual who can't accept the reality that is between his legs. End of the discussion.
