A Democrat Latino female lawyer from Harvard, argues that "high crimes and misdemeaors" include stated opinions that violate her view of principled governance.

 Preface:  Before reading the following,  know that the AOL author is a Democrat Latino female lawyer from Harvard,  OF COURSE she hates the anti-Progressive, One World, President Trump.  In her opinion,  "high crimes and misdemeanors" --  the legal basis for impeachment  --  includes stated opinions that violate her view of principled governance.  Problem:  This "Harvard lawyer" does not have enough sense to know that "high crimes and misdemeanors" describe the violation of law,  not the subjugation of Party Politic "Principles."   What does this article mean?  Answer:  Clearly, the Dems are giving up on proving Trump to be a criminal or a spy.  So they have decided to elevate their party politic to the status of law,  and attack the President from that positioning   ~  editor

AOL:  The legal case for President Trump’s impeachment just grew stronger.
That’s one lawyer’s take as calls for his impeachment have grown louder after President Trump, in a fiery exchange with reporters, doubled down on his claims “both sides” were to blame for the violence in Charlottesville. On Tuesday Trump said, “I think there's blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it. And you don't have any doubt about it either."

In an op-ed on Law Newz, lawyer Elura Nanos points out Article II, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution states a president can be impeached upon the “Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.” But what exactly are “high crimes and misdemeanors?”

Citing Harvard Law Professor Noah Feldman, she writes, while Trump’s disastrous press conference isn’t a criminal offense, the historical meaning of “high crimes and misdemeanors” is really any action that “violates the basic principles of government.” She argues under that historical interpretation, Trump’s comments defending the rally qualify as a high crime.


  1. Exactly. I staunchly disapprove of Trump, and was aghast at his shoulder-shrugging response of the first two days. But then, I was actually quite heartened by his Monday condemnation of racism and racist groups. However, that was completely undone by his reversion to type on Tuesday and since. In fact, this is even worse than undoing - he has acknowledged the evil of racism, and now seems to be wilfully embracing that evil. He even seems proud of it. There really is no redemption for this slug of a POTUS we have.

  2. I find it so interesting that you Trump haters discount all things Trump yet you are "aghast" when he acts 100% the way he did on the campaign trail. We're you expecting something different? Are you used to your politicians saying on thing then doing another?

    Please send us the quote where Trump “seems to be willfully embracing that evil” – “seems” to me he called out both sides and was embracing neither. I know you lefties refuse to acknowledge it, but the BLM and Antifa groups have some liability here, you blindness is tainting your views.
