The leadership within the teaching community has decided to stand against Donald Trump, the historic values of our nation, and anything that is "non-union." Time for the NEA to go.

NEA President: Trump at ‘Dangerous Intersection of Arrogance and Ignorance’

<<<<  You are looking at the largest anti-male organization in the U.S.  And they have decided to divide the nation.

Can you believe that an organization that has sponsored the decline and fall of American education would dare to criticize the Trump Administration just six months into its first term?  

 And what is their plan  (the National Education Association)? 

They intend to challenge charter schools (because and only because, they are non union).  They call for the aggressive push against "racism,"  a disguised effort to paint the Patriot Nation as something evil.   And,  as far as the "ignorance" of President Trump;  maybe you all should talk to our teachers  (not their union leadership) about those Common Core tests.  I have seen a couple of them,  and they are both illogical and self defeating as to "outcomes."  

At any rate,  the NEA is a remaining bastion for European socialism,  in this country.  Someone needs to reconstruct this organization in favor of open policy exposure,  fairness to our much ignored ethnic subsets,  and the very historicity of this once great nation.

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