Fake News story #226: This involves Sean Spicer again.

Sean Spicer resigns as White House press secretary after objecting to Scaramucci hire

  • Sean Spicer resigns as White House press secretary
  • He had opposed the appointment of Anthony Scaramucci as communications director

Editor:  This is a CNBC story.  It was written an hour after the Sean Spicer resignation and debunked by both Scaramucci and Sean Spicer.  Turns out that Sean was being replaced as press secretary, but was not being pushed out of the WH inner circle.  With the revamping of sources  (all WH's do this sort of thing over and over again) ,  Spicer decided it best to give the new press team a clear slate. His resignation was not the President's choice action.  After all,  Saturday Night Live had made a lot of money ridiculing Spicer and the punkish CNN report,  Jim Acosta,  had made it a habit of insulting Spicer to his face.  The fact of the matter is this:  Spicer was ready to get away from the crush of media opposition. 

So if the One World media wants to point fingers,  they should stand in front of a mirror and point.   

Understand that part of the European Globalist media's immediate goal is to create such a nasty opposition climate,  that Kellyane Conway,  Steve Bannon,  Reince Preibus will join Spicer in scumming to media negativity. 

Never forget,  this is the same Progressive media that is advocating the rejection of the Federal Government in favor of who knows what.  I mean,  what does the media think will happen,  if it is successful in driving out Trump?   Pence is waiting in the Wings and he is choirboy clean   . . . . . . .   and more conservative than Trump.