Here is Trump's cabinet, and they all think he is great . . . along with 70 million other Americans.

image from The Daily Mail.


  1. This is what Trump needs, to have his ego stroked and his narcissism fed by all those who are around him, a disgusting display of pawns showing their loyalty, looks like something out of N. Korea or Putin's Russia. No, i don't think this would happen in Russia, I think Putin is far too intelligent and would be embarrassed by this level of abasement. Pathetic really that the president requires this, even more pathetic that this blogger thinks Trump is widely liked. 36% approval

    1. Did you expect his cabinet members to show disrespect? Ego maniacs rule the Democrat Party. Both Hillary and Barack believe that they are above the law, that is clear. And they have told more lies than any of us can count. We had to look at pawns for eight stinking years as Obama refused the rule of Congress and his party members said, "Well, o.k."

      You are nothing but a subversive so stop pretending you care about this country.

    2. Lets not forget Perez and Wasserman Shultz and Biden , etc etc etc
